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Last Updated: ././2020

Site Version:

Welcome to the Rules of the Academic Planet.


The main purpose of Academic Planet is to produce original articles in the categories in the latest published site version. In addition, forums are provided in groups, galleries and videos, as well as services on entertainment and education.

While providing all these services, we have set a number of rules to ensure that both our side and our users and followers do not experience any legal problems, there are no discussions within the portal and they can improve the service quality. We request that you follow these rules, otherwise we will be punished.


Forum   Academic Planet member who writes completely in the messages and comments written in. Academic Planet accepts no liability for the articles written by individuals.

Academic Planet member who writes completely on the posts and comments on the blog is responsible. Academic Planet accepts no liability for the articles written by individuals.

The Academic Planet member who is fully writing the messages and comments in the groups is responsible. Academic Planet accepts no liability for the articles written by individuals.

The Academic Planet member who fully shares the files in the library is responsible. Academic Planet accepts no liability for files shared by individuals.

Academic Planet member who writes completely from the messages and comments in the gallery is responsible. Academic Planet accepts no liability for the articles written by individuals.

Academic Planet member who writes completely on the messages and comments written on AG TV is responsible. Academic Planet accepts no liability for the articles written by individuals.

Academic Planet member who fully shares the materials shared in the forum is responsible. The Academic Planet accepts no liability for the materials used by individuals.

The Academic Planet member who fully shares the materials shared on the blog is responsible. The Academic Planet accepts no liability for the materials used by individuals.

The Groups are also responsible for the Academic Planet member who shares the materials completely. The Academic Planet accepts no liability for the materials used by individuals.

The Academic Planet member is fully responsible for the materials contained in the shared files in the library . Academic Planet does not accept any responsibility for the materials in the files shared by individuals.

The Academic Planet member who fully shares the materials shared in the gallery is responsible. The Academic Planet accepts no liability for the materials used by individuals.

Academic Planet member who fully shares the materials shared on AG TV is responsible. The Academic Planet accepts no liability for the materials used by individuals.


  1. Messages, comments, materials that violate TC (or your country's) laws or international laws, agreements, statutes cannot be shared on the forum, blog, groups, library, gallery or AG TV.

  2. Exciting and humiliating messages, comments, materials about communities cannot be shared on the Academic Planet.

  3. Send hateful or large amounts of unwanted messages against threatening, abusive, customs and customs; sending messages and using materials for discrimination based on religion, language and race; Underestimating behaviors of Academic Planet managers and users is prohibited.

  4. It is forbidden to share propaganda and political parties that do not have the purpose of comment.

  5. Any harassing sharing is prohibited.

  6. Academic Planet Teams have the right to change and delete shares that do not follow the rules.

  7. The right to update Academic Planet rules or to add new ones is always reserved to Academic Planet.

  8. Sharing any copyrights is prohibited.

  9. Forum, blog, groups, library, Gallery and AG TV are forbidden to visit your site, advertise a "product" sold or mediated on your site, and all other commercially concerned messages and the promotion of crack, warez, hack appz and similar sites are prohibited.

  10. For any reason on the Academic Planet website, mail hack etc. request is prohibited.

  11. Managers have the power to take all kinds of criminal actions against those who do not comply with the Academic Planet Rules.

  12. All rulers have the authority to erase the subjects of those who open a subject with sentences intended to do business by exploiting emotions, for the sake of Allah, whether they love Allah, read their love for their Prophet.

  13. Urgent, help, look at the topics, please be careful not to use words, etc.

  14. It is strictly forbidden to flood (excessive message sending) to the messages, those who are removed from the site without warning.

  15. It is forbidden to distribute and request credit card information on the Academic Planet, subjects are deleted without notice.

  16. Advertised Link is Forbidden.

  17. Academic Planets and Cookies will be used by us as cookies.

  18. Authorities who warn or punish each other without permission will be punished.

  19. Academic Planet teams are prohibited from discussing in open space.

  20. No member can interfere with what he has done to any official, but if there is an error in the official, the member should report this to the Academic Planet of his wrong behavior or error.



Blog Rules

  • Blogs, the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Copyright Law apply.

  • The user is responsible for the violations he / she will make on the blogs, Academic Planet accepts no responsibility.

  • Only 'Authors' selected by the Academic Planet can post on blogs.

  • The titles of the articles should be descriptive, clear and relevant, only the initials of the words should be capitalized, the whole title should not be upper or lower case.

  • Cover photo should definitely be used in articles.

  • When publishing articles, the category to which it is relevant must be selected.

  • The article should consist of introduction, contents, content and, if any, references.

  • It is mandatory to add a summary while writing the article.

  • The article summary to be added must be 140 characters (letters).

  • The subject should be opened to the blog to which it is relevant.

  • The article should consist of at least 300 and at most 5000 words.

  • At least 1 visual material should be used in the article content.

  • The citations used should be clearly stated at the end of the article or at the end of the article.

  • An introductory article can be published, but it is forbidden to publish an article directly for advertising purposes.

  • Scientific articles are published by uploading the file translated into pdf by creating a summary with 300-1000 words.

  • Scientific articles to be published (for pdf) should consist of 1 page cover, 1 page summary, contents as required, 1 page introduction, at least 10 pages content, and bibliography sections as required.

  • The article uploaded as pdf should be used in times new roman font, 10 points for footnotes, 12 points for article text, 14 points for various sections, chapters and sub-sections of the article.

  • It is highly recommended to pass the articles you publish to the authenticity tests on the internet sites, not to be punished, not to violate the legal obligation, and to keep your article unpublished.

  • Sustainability : Write your articles in relevant areas where you have knowledge, earn money, earn reputation, show off, etc. advertising, advertising, revenge, etc. write not by emotions and thoughts, willingly, fun, hobby, write your own interests / areas and concentrate on that area, take an inviting title, be original, do not fill the article content with empty and constantly repeating or similar sentences to increase the number of words, tolerate criticism, determine the audience you will address, practice a word file before publishing an article, read the written articles, make at least 1 article a day habit, if you are going to publish articles at a late intervals, keep the content long and take care to use sincere expression language.

  • Note Remove Principle: Academic Planet "Remove Alert" has adopted the principle. In other words, when any material that is subject to the promotion is shared, that material is removed from the Academic Planet within "3" days in accordance with the copyright owners, professional associations or lawyers sending the copyright document of this material to us. This situation is clearly stated in the law "5846". Likewise, when they encounter such a warning in our Academic Planet members, the same procedure applies to our members. So we are not doing anything illegal here, we are trying to serve completely in accordance with the law. You can find contact information for copyright questions and problems at the bottom of the page. If the copyright infringers of our members do not comply with this principle, they will be suspended indefinitely.

Group Rules

  • Groups can be opened with the approval of managers.

  • Group names, cover photos and posts to be made must be in accordance with the Rules, Terms of Use , Privacy Policy and Copyright Law .

  • It should not write 'Group' in the group name.

  • The group must have a cover photo.

  • User groups are also responsible for the violations they will make, Academic Planet accepts no responsibility.

  • There is no category or discrimination to be shared in groups. Sharing can be done freely and unlimitedly.

  • To establish a group, at least 10 members must apply, including the administrator to manage the group.

  • At least 51% of the participants must vote for the manager to manage the group.

  • There can be at least 1 and at most 4 candidates for Group Management. (Voting is not held in 1 candidate)

  • Group Admin can create special rules for the group. (Academic Planet Rules, Terms of Use , Privacy Policy and Copyright Law apply to all groups )

  • It is the task of the Group Admire to recruit and dismiss a member. (Members views Report may appeal den, may complain of a member or group admin)

Forum Rules

  • The same rules, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Copyright Law are valid in the forums.

  • User forums are also responsible for the violations he / she will make, Academic Planet accepts no responsibility.

  • In the forums, if the topics are not opened to the appropriate categories, they are moved, and the member (s) are punished for repeated mistakes.

  • Subject headings should be discarded only with capital letters.

  • Subject headings should be clear and descriptive, summarizing the topic.

  • When asking questions, do not ask questions outside the area where you ask the question.

  • Answer the questions in an appropriate and clear language, without going into the discussion.

Library Rules

  • The same rules, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Copyright Law apply in the library.

  • The user is responsible for the violations he / she will make in the library, Academic Planet accepts no responsibility.

  • It is forbidden to share any files other than book sharing.

  • Books must be at least 50 pages.

  • Upload the appropriate books to the appropriate sections.

  • Warn Remove Principle : The Academic Planet has adopted the "Warn Remove" principle. In other words, when any book that is subject to promotion is shared, that book is removed from the Academic Planet within "3" days in accordance with the copyright owners, professional associations or lawyers sending the copyright document of this book to us. This situation is clearly stated in the law "5846". Likewise, when they encounter such a warning in our Academic Planet members, the same procedure applies to our members. So we are not doing anything illegal here, we are trying to serve completely in accordance with the law. You can contact us for copyright questions and problems at the end of the rules. If the copyright infringers of our members do not comply with this principle, they will be suspended indefinitely.

How do I upload my files?

If you still have not done so, make sure you are a member of the site to be able to upload files.

Go to the support center to find out how you can install it.


What file formats can I upload?

Files: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .odt, .odp, .pdf

Fonts: .ttf, .otf, .wo02, .wo0

Note: You cannot upload password protected files.


What are the file size limits?

Files: 25MB


Who can see my uploads?

Access to the library is granted by the site owner and authorized administrators. You can see who is in your community by browsing the Members page of your site.


What happens when a file is deleted?

When a file is deleted, it is permanently removed from your library. No files are stored on our site.


Can I invite people to browse my files?

You can easily share a link to the library through social media channels or in an email. In order for people to be able to view files, people must be approved as site members from the privacy settings.


What do the eye and star icons mean?

Eye icon of your files or folders are displayed on the original amount, the star icon represents the number of members who like a particular file or library.

Gallery and AG TV Rules


As a member of the Academic Planet, I take advantage of the services, I do not promise any income, interest or interest to me by the Academic Planet, that the Academic Planet can request a fee by taking my own consent, request, and approval by methods such as support, donation, sale of products / services. and I certify that I have read, understood and accepted the copyright law.

This contract is real and as a member you agree to this contract.


You must follow all rules and conditions to join the management.

You must be a member of at least 1 month.

You should not be in a penalty situation.

You must be minor.

You must know Turkish.

You must be an active member. (You cannot create a request to join the administration after a while by using the Academic Planet.)

You must give your real name, address you live and at least one contact address (e-mail, phone number, etc.) to the management.

  • Unless otherwise stated, unless the task is abused, punished, unless the Academic Planet rules, terms of use, privacy policy, copyright law are violated, the principle of remove and remove is violated, country laws, regulations, statutes are not violated and management rules and contract are contrary to the contract. management period is 1 year unless it occurs. This period can be extended by the Academic Planet if conditions are met.

Contract Example;

"I am an administrator on the Academic Planet, to comply with all rules and conditions, I give the correct name, surname, e-mail, date of birth and address, I will not do anything other than the task I will be given (blog, forum, groups, library, gallery, AG TV You can use all the features such as this is the task meant here), I fulfill the desired features, take responsibility for all my mistakes and violations, know that I am not complying with the laws and regulations (the country of my country), I am not able to make such a request or any promise from the Academic Planet. I confirm that I know that I will fulfill my duty otherwise I will be dismissed and / or punished. " (This is an example, you are not considered to have joined the management as a member, for this you need to meet the requirements here and fill out the form.)


To be a writer, you must comply with all rules and conditions.

You should not be in a penalty situation.

You must be a member for at least 1 week. (This period is for you to get to know the Academic Planet)

You must publish at least 5 articles within a maximum of 10 days (24 hours, including weekends), your application will be accepted and you will be expected to fulfill this requirement, if you do not, your authorship will be canceled. (This does not mean expulsion for the first time, you can apply again, but if you do not fulfill this requirement in your second application, the authorship is not canceled, you will be dismissed from the authorship and you cannot apply again.)

You must be a minor, if you are a minor, you are deemed to have the responsibility of your family.

You must be an active member. (You can not create an authorship request after a while by using the Academic Planet.)

You must give your real name, address you live and at least one contact address (e-mail, phone number, etc.) to the management.

  • Unless otherwise specified, unless the task is abused, punished, the principle of remove and abide by the Academic Planet rules, terms of use, privacy policy, copyright law, violation of the country laws, regulations, statutes, and authorship rules are not contrary to the contract. There is no limit to the duration of the authorship unless it occurs.

Contract Example;

"I would like to be a writer on the Academic Planet, to comply with all the rules and conditions, I give the correct name, surname, e-mail, date of birth and address, I will not do anything other than blogging (forum, groups, library, gallery, AG TV). you can use it, it is the duty implied here), I fulfill the desired features, take responsibility for all my mistakes and violations, I am aware of the laws, regulations (the country of my country), I am not able to make such a request from the Academic Planet, I cannot make any such request, copyright. I will comply with the rules of blogging, that I know that the material (picture, article, video, etc.) that caused the violation will be removed from the Academic Planet within 3 days when I am warned by the copyright owner or when the Academic Planet is warned, in accordance with the Remove Warnings principle. the content will be changed by editors and / or administrators, Stating that I will not be reproduced, duplicate any material (blog article, a section from the article or audiovisual materials, copyrighted materials, rights holder or materials prohibited by the Academic Planet, etc.), the source of the article I posted on the Academic Planet is the Academic Planet. I confirm that I know that I will share it, I will not share it anywhere else unless I specify it, I will not use / publish non-original (stolen) materials and / or articles, publish at least 1 blog article per week, otherwise I will be dismissed and / or punished. " (This is an example, you are not a writer as a member, for this you need to fulfill the requirements and fill in the form.)


Anyone who is a member of the Academic Planet is deemed to have accepted these Rules, Terms of Use , Privacy Policy and Copyright Law .


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